Cookies and privacy policies

John Frandsen Land & Skovbrug ApS uses cookies on this website.

A cookie is a small text file which is saved in your browser such that your computer, mobile phone or tablet can be recognized when you return to the site. This also help us doing statistics and making our services better for you. No personal information is stored in our cookies and the cookies cannot contain virus.

Cookies are automatically deleted after a certain number of months (may vary), although they are renewed following every visit.

If you wish to delete or avoid cookies you can find a guide her:

Privacy policies
Your personal information is secure with us. Personal informations is protected in a customer database which is owned by John Frandsen Land & Skovbrug ApS, and will always be handled according to the law of personal information.

Your Personal information is never disclosed to a third party. The personal information is used to execute the purchase or the service in connection with which the information is collected when issuing our conjunction with enquiries.


John Frandsen Land & Skovbrug ApS
Hou Skovvej 15
DK – 9550 Mariager

T: +45 30 95 51 67